The Board of Administration of Montaje de Transportadores y Sistemas Industriales, S.L. (hereinafter MONTRA) approves the Global policy on Corporate Social Responsibility.

The Board of Administration, aware of MONTRA’s responsibility to society as a whole, commits to conducting its activities in accordance with a set of values, principles, criteria, and attitudes aimed at achieving sustained value creation for shareholders, employees, customers, and society at large.
To fulfill this commitment, this global policy establishes the basic principles and general framework for managing corporate social responsibility practices that MONTRA assumes.
The Society’s Board of Administration is responsible for coordinating MONTRA’s policies, strategies, and management guidelines for the common benefit and interest of the company.
In accordance with the above, the Society’s Board of Administration will promote the company’s adherence to the basic principles outlined in the subsequent section 2, as well as any other principles that may be incorporated into this policy in the future.

This Policy applies globally and is mandatory, binding all personnel, regardless of their position and role.

For MONTRA, corporate social responsibility translates into conducting responsible business activities while considering future generations and contributing to the creation of a sustainable world. To achieve this, the Society adopts the following principles and commitments:
Principle 1.
Comply with the current legal regulations in the countries in which it operates and ensure ethical behavior by adopting international standards and guidelines while promoting the integration of the principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
• Uphold business integrity by adopting MONTRA’s values, ethical principles, and compliance guidelines outlined in the Society’s Code of Conduct..
• Respect internationally recognized human rights and strive to prevent and mitigate negative consequences on human rights that may result from its own activities or business relationships with third parties.
• Contribute to the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to the Society’s products and solutions.
Principle 2
Ensure responsible governance and the necessary transparency to build trust and credibility with stakeholders.
• Adopt widely recognized corporate governance practices in international markets, based on business transparency and mutual trust with shareholders.
• Promote communication and dialogue with stakeholders and share knowledge about matters relevant to them.
• Disseminate relevant, accurate, and periodic information about the Society’s activities based on reliability and continuous improvement.
Principio 3
Foster a work culture based on safety, health, equal opportunities, and motivation.
• Ensure a safe and healthy working environment within MONTRA and its sphere of influence.
• Promote a framework of labor relations based on equal opportunities, non-discrimination, and respect for diversity, ensuring that all individuals in a working relationship with the Society receive fair and dignified treatment.
• Keep individuals motivated and committed to a high-performance culture, lifelong learning, and professional development opportunities.
Principle 4
Contribute to sustainable development by reducing the environmental impact of the Society’s activities and generating new solutions through innovation.
• Contribute to the fight against climate change.
• Promote a circular economy, both in terms of rational resource usage and responsible waste management.
• Respect the natural environment, protect biodiversity, and minimize impacts on ecosystems.
Principle 5
Develop a responsible supply chain by ensuring transparent, objective, and impartial management processes with suppliers and providing customers with all relevant information about the services and products offered.
• Maintain an ethical, honest, and fair relationship with the supply chain.
• Establish long-term relationships with key suppliers and contribute to mutual development.
Principle 6
Promote socially responsible actions within MONTRA to achieve harmony between corporate values and social expectations.
• Foster economic and social development in the communities where the Society is present, promoting increased levels of well-being through local development cooperation initiatives.

Corporate Management is responsible for understanding, driving, guiding, and overseeing the strategy and practices related to corporate social responsibility, as well as assessing its level of compliance. They are also responsible for supervising the Society’s global corporate social responsibility policy.
To highlight the actions undertaken by the Society in this regard, the Board of Administration will prepare, as deemed appropriate and with the periodicity determined, a Corporate Social Responsibility Report, following a report from Corporate Management within their respective competencies.