TGW trusts again on MONTRA for mechanical installation of 2.2 kmsaprox. of conveying system. New layoutwill allow all the connections of current system with the new shuttle...
MONTRA conveying will connect new outbond of F27 manufacture line with the current buffer by means of installing on a “key turn” basis new conveyors and lifting conveyor type “paternoster” in BSHE La Cartuja...
As part of the optimization in the supply chain and supply time of material on site, TGW decided to manage all the mechanical brackets/supports needed in all the Projects with MONTRA as global supplier. Standard brackets drawings for several different elements have...
TGW MECHANICS trusts again on MONTRA for mechanical installation of 10 stacker cranes type MUSTANG-R. This crane is a single-mast 25m high machine. MONTRA will be responsible for full installation of machines, aisle equipment and rails. Mustangs will be erected and...
MONTRA got the acceptance for the installation of the customized platform in the inbound area of ZARA ZARAGOZA. MONTRA designed, manufactured and installed this platform as an specific request from the Customer. ZARA needed to walk all along the conveyors which are in...